We're not a traditional Accounting service.
We take a partnered approach with you because we know that modern business owners need more than just preparation of tax lodgements, business activity statements and reporting.
Business Accounting Services Specialists
With vast knowledge in business accounting services, we review your current accounting methods to ensure your accounting records are delivering accurate reports. Accurate records also ensure that on-going compliance costs are minimised.
We come to your premises and work directly on your files; and educate your staff on the best accounting practice techniques.
We have the professional expertise with proven systems and processes to give you insights into what is impacting your business now.
Your accounts become live management records, improving information flow and accurate reports for critical decision making.
We’ll uncover your current inefficiencies and guide you with the steps to take to achieve sustainable and profitable business growth.
We partner with you on achieving your future goals because your success means everything to us.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and we’re passionate about supporting the success of small businesses so that you as an individual, your family and our communities all benefit.
Maximise Available Tax Benefits
We Minimise Your Tax To Maximise Your Profit
By working closely with you, the team at Rubiix will get to know your business intimately, together with the challenges you face.
Through our knowledge and planning we will identify any implications for your business and maximise any available tax benefits or available opportunities.
Contact Rubiix and ask about our various business accounting services that will maximise your business’s profit!
Some of our Accounting Services
- Business & Company Tax Returns
- Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs)
- Accounting & Tax Compliance
- Business Planning, Advice & Management
- Cash Flow & Budgeting
- Tax Planning
- Accounting & Taxation Risk Management
- Asset Protection & Financial Accounting
- Corporate File Management
- Strategic Planning
- Refinancing & Restructure
We Minimise Your Tax To Maximise Your Profit
Risk Management
Accounting & Financial Risk Management
Minimising and managing financial risk is the difference between success and failure.
Key focus points
- We help you minimise risk
- We can help identify, assess, control or avoid risk in your business
- With proven applications, the impact of risk is minimised or even reduced all together
- Audit insurance is available
- We can assist with structuring and agreement resources
- We keep you abreast of Australian Tax Law
Minimising and managing financial risk is the difference between success and failure. Covering all the what-ifs, in both your private and business lives, will reduce the uncertainty while striving to achieve the optimal result. We will identify all areas of risk which might impede the attainment of a more successful outcome. Every business should be able to effectively identify the risks and the likely levels of exposure and vulnerabilities. This is done in conjunction with a methodology of identifying any new opportunities which may have arisen due to changes in circumstances.
Rubiix Business Accountants can implement a financial risk management plan to reduce and mitigate any risk associated with your business. Financial risk management is an often overlooked, but crucial part, of a profitable business.
Monitoring how your business is tracking against its objectives and strategies is paramount in identifying the possible outcomes. Reacting positively to any early warning signals, by finding practical solutions to overcoming the challenges, should be so entrenched into your day-to-day operations that there are no surprises for which you are not prepared.
We provide solutions to enable the development of a Risk Management culture that focuses on all dimensions of risk. This will not only reduce stress levels significantly but will enhance business performance and improve the decision making of all in managerial positions.
Succession Planning
A succession plan is a must for any business owner.
A succession plan should include:
- Continuity of family ownership of assets
- Maximisation of retirement income
- Provide a retirement income or pension for retirees
- Assist beneficiaries with financing options if required
- Tax effective result on sale or transfer of assets
- Review of appropriate insurance coverage
- Provide financial security and peace of mind
- Clarify and document the desires of all associated parties who may have conflicting opinions
- Reduce conflict and contesting of wills after death
Don’t be caught short – but don’t worry it’s never too late to start planning for tomorrow. Ensure your retirement dreams become a reality by developing a succession plan to enrich the quality of your retirement.
Succession planning is a prerequisite for anyone who owns and operates a family business or has money in superannuation. The right type of planning will ensure a smooth transition when a business is sold, upon retirement or upon death.
Ideally, a succession plan would be implemented over a five year period and be designed to encompass the desires of all associated parties for a successful outcome. Of paramount consideration is any possible financial burden on the next generation.
Corporate Services
As your registered agent and registered office, our Rubiix corporate services consultants take great care to ensure that all your company obligations are always met and that all ASIC requirements are up to date.
This service includes:
- Keeping you informed of your legal obligations and responsibilities as a director and secretary of a company
- Checking and maintaining your corporate binder to ensure all records are supplied and correctly filed, as per ASIC requirements
- Electronically downloading the annual company statement and annual invoices from ASIC
- Checking and comparing the annual statement to ensure ASIC details are correct
- Preparing a written yearly solvency resolution or minute to ensure your company is solvent
- Reminder emails or phone calls to help avoid incurring ASIC fees for late payment of ASIC invoices or late lodgement of documents
- Providing yearly company reports to ensure all details are correct
- Preparing all minutes/resolutions as required by the Corporations Act
- Reviewing company constitutions to ensure they meet today’s legal requirements
- Ensuring each company is running legally according to their Constitution /Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Notifying clients of any pending ASIC fines, if applicable
- Liaising with ASIC on your behalf when necessary
- Reporting any major changes to the Corporations Act directly to the director
- Storage of your corporate binder in a secure location
- Corporate Service staff available to answer any ASIC queries you may have throughout the year as part of this yearly service.
Our department attends regular training sessions to ensure that we are constantly up-to-date with the Corporations Act.
The yearly fee allows us to continue this service for the coming twelve months. This fee is non-refundable.
Be rest assured, that with our team at Rubiix, we are fully qualified, experienced, certified business
accountants who apply close attention to the detail and who take pride in producing first rate outcomes for you.
Additional Services
Rubiix also offers additional business accounting services to help take your business to the next level.
Rubiix Bookkeeping
Are you sitting at your desk surrounded by invoices and receipts, wondering how you’re going to get your cashbooks up-to-date while working on your business?
Rubiix can offer a solution to alleviate the stress and time constraints of having to work on your cashbooks with our book keeping services. Coupled with the expertise and the latest technology, our team can maintain your business cashbooks and ensure efficient and ‘real time’ reporting so you can get back to work on your business. Please contact us for further information.

Audit Shield Insurance

The ATO, along with other agencies, continue to announce significant increases in their audit activity. Now, more than ever, individuals, businesses and Self Managed Superannuation Funds are at risk of being selected for a random audit or review.
The Audit Shield Service provides for the payment of the professional fees incurred as a result of you being selected for an audit, review or investigation by the ATO. It provides a fixed, cost effective solution to guard against these unbudgeted costs.
Business Strategy & Coaching
As a business owner you have goals for yourself and your business – more time, financial freedom, greater flexibility and quality of life, but there are times when achieving your goals feels like you’ve taken the long way around.
At Rubiix we take the time to understand you and your business.
We work with you to achieve clarity in your business and help you make the right decisions to achieve your goals.
When we work with you, we’ll help you identify where your business is right now and where you would like it to be in the future.
You don’t need to feel like you have to figure it all out yourself.
The Rubiix team have the professional expertise with proven systems and processes to give you insights into what is impacting your business now.
We’ll uncover your current inefficiencies and guide you with the steps to take to achieve sustainable and profitable business growth so you enjoy more of what you want in life.
We partner with you on achieving your future goals because your success means everything to us.
Bring your future forward!